Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Accounting: Links & Resources

Career Information, Company Profiles and Contacts

Accounting and Finance Jobs
In partnership with jobsinthemoney.com, the leading financial job site.

Accounting & Finance Jobs

Accountant's Directory.
American Business Information, Inc. (402) 593-4600. This directory lists thousands of local and national addresses for accounting firms in the United States. At $3700 the directory is best found in the library.

Accounting Workshop.
An online resource that lists information and tips for accounting students. Courtesy of John Wiley and Sons.

"The CPA Jungle"
Wall Street Journal, July 24, 1991, p. A1, A8. This sobering article describes how starting in the late 1980s the accounting business became much more competitive because of mergers and shrinking auditing business. Tells of layoffs and how many accountants are leaving the business and seeking psychological help. Since this article was written, hiring has picked up.

National Directory of Accounting Firms and Accountants
Gale Research, (800) 877-GALE. Cost: $125. This superb resource describes what companies specialize in and provides essential information regarding size, phone and addresses.

What Corporate America Wants in Entry-Level Accountants: Executive Summary

By Gary Siegel and James Sorensen, published jointly by the Institute of Management Accountants and the Financial Executives Institute, (800) 638-4427 extension 278. This study details skills which are in demand in Corporate America where over 2/3rds of accountants work. The largest gaps in preparation of new accountants were found to be in budgeting, product costing and control and performance evaluation.

Careers for Financial Mavens & Other Money Movers
By Marjorie Eberts and Margaret Gisler, NTC Publishing Group, October 1998.
A good overview of career possibilities for those with an interest in finance and accounting.

How to Get Ahead in Accounting, Finance and Banking
From Robert Half International. Order a free copy of this informative brochure online or call the corporate office at (415) 854-9700.


Robert Morris Associates
RMA is also the only financial services trade association that specializes in lending and credit risk information, research, and training. More than 3,000 commercial banks, thrifts, and other financial firms are members of RMA, represented in the Association by some 18,000 financial professionals (called Associates) in 50 states, Puerto Rico, Canada and numerous foreign cities including Hong Kong and Singapore.

Ideas and Know-How

WWW Virtual Library: Finance.
An online compendium of web sites of interest to students and those who follow finance.

Magazines and Newspapers (Online and Off)

Accounting Today
(212) 371-9400. This bi-weekly publication provides excellent coverage of important trends in the accounting profession. Good background reading.

CPA Journal.
(212) 973-8300. This monthly journal provides information of general interest to CPAs and activities at the major public accounting firms.

Journal of Accountancy.
(212) 575-6200. One of the leading accounting monthly's. Covers the profession well and also has a good section with job listings.

Management Accounting,
Official Magazine of the Institute of Management Accountants, (201) 573-9000. Cost : $20 per year or $10 per copy. Includes a section on career management and discusses trends in the profession.

New York Times
Sunday classified section in New York edition is reknown for listing ads by investment banks looking for talent. Cost: $1.25 at newsstands. Also look at the Financial Times and CareerPath.

Wall Street Journal.
The most widely read business periodical in the world. And it's on the net! You must register for the net version. Great way to keep up with what's going on in the markets and the world. Following tombstones and ads is also a good way to see which banks are involved in what types of activity this year. You may also be interested in Careers.wsj.com.

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